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Price Match Guarantee

Qualifying products

While online, find a qualifying product that you want Travellty.com to price match. Make sure the product you would like to price match is immediately available and identical to our competitor's product, it must be a matching brand with the same model number and color.

Request a Price Match

Please be prepared to direct our customer service member to the website that is displaying the current lower price you would like to match.

You can request Price Match via:

• Mail: info@travellty.com
• Phone: (305) 3066560
• Live chat on our website app

Special considerations
One price match per identical item, per customer, at the current pre-tax price available to all customers, is allowed.

Our Price Match Guarantee does not cover

- Products shipped from or sold by third-party sellers on websites.
- Pricing only available to select groups of customers, including loyalty offers, discounts relating to non-warehouse membership programs, and government exchange store offers.
- Competitor offers, including service prices (delivery and installation charges), pre-order offers, liquidation offers, trade-in offers, and individual daily or hourly sales.
- Any financing offers, promotions, bundle offers, items included in bundle offers, free items, pricing errors, mail-in offers, coupon offers, things that are advertised as limited quantity, out of stock items, clearance items, open-box items, refurbished items, pre-owned items, credit card offers, gift card offers, items included in gift card offers, rent/lease to own things, voice-only deals, and items for sale the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day through the Monday after Thanksgiving, whether offered by Travellty or a competitor.